Worshiping together is at the heart of our parish life. We gather as a community of faith to praise God, to hear and reflect on God’s Word, to be fed together in the Sacrament, and to go forth in mission to the world. Our worship not only reminds us who we are, it helps to make us who we are.
At St. Peter’s, all whose hearts are moved to join us around the Lord’s table are welcome to receive Holy Communion. Jesus is our host. Those who do not wish to receive Holy Communion are welcome to come forward to receive a blessing. Children of all ages, including infants, may receive Communion with their parents’ consent. To encourage full participation by all, we offer blessed gluten-free wafers and consecrated grape juice, as well as the traditional consecrated bread and wine.
Our Regular Worship Services:
Traditional Service with Holy Communion
Sunday at 8:00 a.m.
A traditional Rite II liturgy with hymns and a sermon. We gather at the altar rail for communion.
Contemporary Service with Holy Communion
Sunday at 10:00 a.m.
A new approach to the Anglican liturgy in contemporary language with contemporary music. This is an informal family-friendly service. Children may stay for the whole service; or may join the children’s activities and then reunite with their families for Communion.
The Wednesday Healing Service with Holy Communion
Wednesday at 10:00 a.m.
Sometimes we are four, sometimes fifteen, but we are always ready to encounter God. At the service, we consider a couple of readings, gather in a circle, are anointed and pray for one another, and then break bread. There may be laughter, silence, tears, thanksgivings and all of the above. All completed by 11 a.m. Bring whatever is on your heart and join us!