Gifts Given by The Reverend Kim Morgan

Father Jeff Paul talks about the strange and wonderful ways of God and invites folks to share aloud the gifts that Reverend Kim Morgan gave to people of St. Peter’s

You can read the scripture by clicking on Luke 3:1-6  or listen to the gospel in our recording below.  Click on the white triangle in the black bar-shaped player below to listen to the scripture and sermon now or click on the link labeled: “Download” below the player to save an audio mp3 file for listening later.

Two Wolves

By: John Newton Howitt Published: - Copyrighted work available under Creative Commons Attribution only licence CC BY 4.0

By: John Newton Howitt Copyrighted work under Creative Commons Attribution only licence CC BY 4.0

The Rev. Kim examines the way of peace out of the chaos of our lives and our potential for joy using Galatians 5:1-25, the Parable of Two Wolves, and the wisdom contained in a refrigerator magnet. The audio of the scripture reading at the beginning is soft, but that is just to develop your patience. The audio of the sermon that follows is better.