
Stewardship is an essential part of our spiritual journey.  Stewardship is an opportunity for the people of God to share their time, talents, and treasure for the glory of God in serving the parish of St. Peter’s, our local community and the world at large.  That’s just the starting point.  We also believe stewardship encompasses much more.  Christian stewardship is living our lives in such a way that we embrace the principle: what blessings we have flow from God and we are to be faithful stewards of the “flow” we receive.

We have a responsibility as Christians to actively share and utilize the many gifts that God has bestowed upon us in our lives.  Stewardship also reflects the active ways the Holy Spirit is fundamentally working in our lives for the betterment of the lives of others and the natural resources we have a responsibility to protect.  We have many different ways for you to participate in stewardship at St. Peter’s.  We are happy to help you find those areas that serve your spiritual journey and deepen your relationship to God.

We believe that our relationship with our resources is intimately tied to our spiritual growth and maturity. We also believe that giving of our time, talent and treasure is essential to the life of St. Peter’s, a community where we engage in faithful exploration to understand and live the Christian life.  As good stewards of those gifts, we pledge to give a generous portion of them, doing the work we are called to do through St. Peter’s and its ministries.

We invite you to join with us and be part of this journey of joyful giving and the strengthening of our community.